A day cab truck can be a great fit for those wanting a more affordable vehicle that can handle a heavier cargo load. Read on to learn more, then check out the models at Empire Truck Sales. We proudly serve those in Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, and Alabama.

The Design of a Day Cab Truck

Unlike sleeper trucks, day cab trucks do not contain a sleeper cabin. Drivers can spend the night in the vehicle if they like, but many will opt to spend the night in a hotel/motel instead.

Given the way that day cab trucks are built, they are more agile than other types of commercial trucks. This makes navigating inner-city locations and other such tight spaces much easier.

The Capacity of Day Cab Trucks

Day cab trucks are also able to safely handle heavier loads. Drivers are able to fit more cargo in each drive, which can be a great boost to efficiency.

The Price Point of Day Cab Trucks

Commercial trucks aren't the cheapest vehicle option, but day cab trucks tend to be among the more affordable options. They cost less money upfront compared to other options, like sleeper trucks, which are ideal for companies with tighter budgets.

The Ideal Day Cab Truck Owner

A day cab truck is great for those who don't often need overnight lodging provided in their vehicle. They are also a great choice for those wanting to spend less money adding a vehicle to their fleet. Finally, they are a smart choice for those needing a more agile vehicle to navigate more challenging spaces.

If you want to explore day cab trucks for sale, see the selection at Empire Truck Sales. We have dealerships throughout Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, and Alabama.